Thursday 1 October 2015

Dear Startups- Are you ‘Making in India’ or ‘Making in ‘Big Cities’ of India’

India is in the midst of the start-up revolution and you see every day so many startups flourishing. Indian PM has provided a slogan in his Independence Day speech “Start-up India, Stand-up India

But I just want to ask them ‘Dear Startups- Are you ‘Making in India’ or ‘Making in ‘Big Cities’ of India’?

Be it Practo, Grofers, Hola Chef or any new startup which is launched, the first and foremost beneficiaries are the residents of Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Hyderabad etc.  And why not, these are the people who are smart, tech savy, cooool and have deep pockets. I completely understand, with good mix of sophisticated, English speaking and large population, these cities serve as the best nest for a start up to grow. Then comes the second, third and fourth startups within no time in the same city and start catering to all the areas of the societies. They all do good till demand and supply are balanced and they provide a healthy competition to each other.

But, then comes the fifth, sixth and seventh startup which tries to emulate the same idea and the same city and cater to same society.

Here, I fail to understand and I feel like asking them ‘Why’?

Are there no other cities available in India?  Whether whole population of India is based in these cities? Whether all the cool and tech savy people stay only in these cities? Whether people of other cities do not deserve such quality services? Whether people of these cities only have deep pockets?

A startup should aim at solving a problem of a society. It should act as a pain killer for the ailing society. Even, if the idea is not new, a society to which a new startup can cater can be new. They would have new audience, no competition, different kind of data base and a first mover advantage in such societies.

Startups should start catering services to Tier II or Tier III Cities of India. If a pain killer is available in one society, though same, startups should try to distribute the pain killer to other societies where the same is not available. It’s a win – win for all.

If quality services are available to Tier II or Tier III cities then why would one think of moving to Tier I cities. The same issue can indirectly also help the issue of migration of people to few large cities of India. Diversifying to various cities across India will also generate employment for the people of said areas and the city would flourish.

Entrepreneur must start identifying Tier II or Tier III cities which have substantial population or couple of Tier II or Tier III cities which one can cater to. A state like Bihar or Jharkhand may sound very uninteresting to new breeds of entrepreneur, but I can assure you that once you are providing good service to them, they will be a good customers to you.

Its my humble request to the new generation entrepreneur, making money is a must but if you would earn money while solving a grave problem of the society, you would have a longer run in your business, value of your company would be more and you will have super profits with all the blessings of the society!

Monday 20 July 2015

All power lies within you!

After reading many books and through various experiences, I have started believing in the aforesaid saying!!

Even Swami Vivekananda has said:

All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do any thing and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you.”

With proper and effective utilization of the said power, a man can achieve anything what he desires.

My conquest to effectively utilizing the inner power is on!!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Forget big change, start with a tiny habit

In light of my previous publication of an article, I have came across a similar TED Video by BJ Fogg which is amazing and is very simple if one need to develop a Habit.

Friday 19 June 2015

A great motivational video to achieve your goal

This is a very great motivational video titled 'Draw Your future - Take control of your life' to achieve your goals by Patti Dobrowolski..

Tuesday 2 June 2015

How to develop a habit!

Recently I came across a very interesting article in relation to 'How to develop a habit'. I am sharing the same below:

The Four Habits that Form Habits

By Leo Babauta
My daughter wants to work out more, but she has a hard time forming the habit (many of you might be familiar with this problem). From having to get dressed to go to the gym, to actually going to the gym, to the thought of a hard workout … our minds tend to put off the habit.
The solution is exceedingly simple: just do 3 pushups. Or tell yourself you have to walk/jog for just one minute.
Make it so easy you can’t say no.
Of course, most people will think that’s too easy, and tell themselves they have to do more than that. Leo’s advice is for other people! Unfortunately, it’s this mindset that causes people to fail at habits — we think we can do more, despite past evidence to the contrary, and so we aspire to greatness. We try to climb Everest before we’ve learned to walk.
Learn the fundamentals of habits before you try to do the advanced skills. If I could convince people of that, I could get millions to change their habits, be healthier, simplify, procrastinate less, start creating amazing things.
Today we’re going to go over the fundamentals of habit — four key habits to form habits. If you can learn these four habits, you’ll have the foundation to form pretty much any habit.

Habit 1: Start Exceedingly Small

Another common habit that too few people actually do is flossing daily. So my advice is just floss one tooth the first night.
Of course, that seems so ridiculous most people laugh. But I’m totally serious: if you start out exceedingly small, you won’t say no. You’ll feel crazy if you don’t do it. And so you’ll actually do it!
That’s the point. Actually doing the habit is much more important than how much you do.
If you want to exercise, it’s more important that you actually do the exercise on a regular basis, rather than doing enough to get a benefit right away. Sure, maybe you need 30 minutes of exercise to see some fitness improvements, but try doing 30 minutes a day for two weeks. See how far you get, if you haven’t been exercising regularly. Then, if you don’t succeed, try 1-2 minutes a day. See how far you get there.
If you can do two weeks of 1-2 minutes of exercise, you have a strong foundation for a habit. Add another week or two, and the habit is almost ingrained. Once the habit is strong, you can add a few minutes here and there. Soon you’ll be doing 30 minutes on a regular basis — but you started out really small.
Try the flossing habit — try to floss every tooth every night, and see how far you get. You might succeed … but if you fail, try just one tooth per night and see how far you get. Your mileage will vary, but on average most people get farther with a habit when they start small.
One glass of water a day. One extra vegetable. Three pushups. One sentence of writing a day. Two minutes of meditation. This is how you start a habit that lasts.

Habit 2: Be Mindful of Negative Thoughts

Most people will skip this habit, because they don’t think it’s necessary. Then they wonder why the habit failed.
When I quit smoking in 2005, I finally learned to watch my thoughts. I saw that I had a lot of self-talk I wasn’t aware of. My mind would start rationalizing the idea of smoking just one cigarette. “One won’t hurt!” “Why are you torturing yourself?” “Is this really worth it?” “Just give in, it’s much easier.” “You can’t do this, it’s too hard.”
Think about those thoughts for a second. How many did I have that I wasn’t aware of? How powerful were they, when I didn’t realize they were there? How many times did they cause me to smoke when I had previously tried to quit? And how often do these kinds of thoughts act on you?
The same thoughts happened when I tried to start running the next month — my mind would say, “You should stop now. It’s too hard. You’ll feel much better when you stop.” And of course, thoughts like these are very tempting, very powerful.
Then I started to learn to eat healthier, and repeatedly failed because I would give in to chips and pizza and ice cream. My mind would say, “You’ve been doing good, and this food is your reward!” Or, “Why are you denying yourself pleasure — life isn’t supposed to be hard!”
I learned to let these thoughts go. They are just thoughts — they don’t control me. They are just things that happen, like a leaf falling from a tree as I run by. Interesting phenomena, but not a determination of my life.
Watch the thoughts. Learn to let them go. Get good at discomfort. Triumph over the childish selfish scared mind.

Habit 3: Savor the Habit

This is the converse of Habit 2, but just as important. Your new habit isn’t some sort of sacrifice, some sort of chore you need to get through to get to your better life.
Your new habit is your better life.
The new habit, whatever it is, should be something you enjoy. Otherwise, don’t do it.
If you want to eat healthier, learn to enjoy the taste of this delicious, fresh, healthy food. An apple can be just as delicious as any junk food snack, if you pay attention and savor it.
If you are exercising, pay close attention to and enjoy the moving of the body, the feeling of exertion, the flow of blood through your brain, the focus.
If you are writing, sit with the words and enjoy the quiet concentration, the exhilaration of creation.
Learn to enjoy the habit, and the habit will become its own reward. The goal isn’t some distant achievement, but the process itself.

Habit 4: Have a Plan for When You Falter

This is really key — I can’t count how many people I know who have done really well with their habit for 6-7 days, and then when some disruption happened (it’s incredibly common), and then never re-started.
Get in the habit of re-starting when you falter.
How do you do that? Get some accountability — promise a friend or your spouse that you’ll pay $25 if you miss your new habit two days in a row … and then double that the next day ($50), and double that if you miss four days in a row ($100), and double every day you miss in a row after that. Or promise to mow someone’s lawn or wash their car if you miss three days in a row. Tell everyone on Facebook that you’ll personally clean their bathrooms if you miss three days in a row.
Missing one day in a row is not the end of the habit. Missing two days isn’t great, but you can recover. Miss three days, and the habit is shot. So don’t allow yourself to miss three days, and try your damndest not to even miss two days.

Forming the Four Habits

So how do you form the habits that form all other habits?
As simply as possible.
Choose one incredibly easy habit to do in the next two weeks. Floss one tooth. Drink one glass of water. Eat one fruit. Exercise or meditate or write or do yoga for 2 minutes a day. Just two minutes.
Then apply all four habits to those two minutes, every day. You’ll start to learn how to form a new habit, and that’s a skill that will pay off for a lifetime.

Saturday 21 March 2015

The Search has begun...

‘Books are man’s best friends!’

Heard this quote so many times. So off late I have started referring to my friends :0 for advise and guidance to help me in my journey to find the real me; to help me calm my mind and to attain greatness!

Recently I have read a book titled ‘Discover Your Destiny With Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Robin Sharma.

There are 7 stages of Self – Awakening in man’s life which are as under:

Stage 1:            Living a Lie (The stage of self betrayal)
Stage 2:            The Choicepoint (The Stage of Releasing Control and Breaking your chains)
Stage 3:            Awareness of Wonder and Possibility (The stage of seeing with new eyes)
Stage 4:            Instruction from Masters (The stage of learning, failing and preparation)
Stage 5:            Transformation and Rebirth (The stage of emptying and refilling)
Stage 6:            The Trial (The stage of Testing and Confirmation)
Stage 7:            The Great Awakening of Self (The stage of fearlessness)       

There are four dimensions of one's authentic self that need to be awakened to become whole once again. The 4 Awakenings are as under:

Awakening of 1:  Mind
Awakening of 2:  Body
Awakening of 3:  Emotions
Awakening of 4:  Spirit

There is a 'golden buddha' inside everyone and the purpose of life is to remove the layers so more of gold within us can shine and see the light of a day.
A man should make the following 5 daily devotions which are as under:

Devotion 1:     Rise each and every morning at 5 A.M. Those who get up early are those who get the                           best from life.
Devotion 2:    Set aside the first sixty minutes of your day as your ‘holy hour’. This is your sacred  time to do the inner work (prayer, meditation, journaling, reading from the wisdom  literature, reflecting on the state of your life) that will help you live your highest life.
Devotion 3:     Display a standard of care, compassion and character well beyond what anyone could                          ever imagine from you. In doing so, you will be doing your part to aid in the building                           of a new world.
Devotion 4:     Display a standard of excellence at work far higher than anyone would ever expect                               from you. Abundance and fulfilment will flow back to you.
Devotion 5:    Devote yourself to being the most loving person you know and thinking, feeling and acting as though you are one of the greatest people currently on the planet (because you are). Your life will never be the same and you will bless many lives.

A man need to awaken all the 4 dimensions to find his true self. I feel that completing 7 stages is a long journey but not an impossible one. Having said, I strongly believe that doing 5 daily devotions everyday will help to move forward in ones life…

Thursday 12 March 2015

Answer lies within!

Life is Strange!

Sometimes what I think of, I get it instantly. Sometimes I dream of, the results are there in front of me quickly the very next morning.

For example very recently, I just thought of a childhood friend and to my surprise when I got up in the evening I received her FB Friend Request. Sometimes I think about my family members and very moment I receive a telephone call from them. Sometimes I don’t find stuffs and I pray and the said thing appears in front of me?

Is it just a coincidence or there is some other force at play?

Having read a very few good books and with so many coincidences, I believe that there is indeed a special force. Some call it God,  some call it universe and some the nature.

The moment when I start believing that there is some other force at play, I question why it does not work at each and every moment? Why it does not work when I need that force to work for me desperately? Why the force does not work instantly? What is missing when I just thought of a childhood friend and when I desperately want something? Does that force work according to me or does that force has its own plan? Does that force chose what’s good and what’s bad for me? Why such force takes so much time for one wish and gives a result instantly on the other hand or does not give result at all?

Today I have no answer to my queries but I know that the answer to the same lies within me. Yes within me and I believe it now.

I am unable to delve inside me. I don’t have a proper guidance.  I don’t have a coach or a teacher today.

But before that I need to ask myself, whether I am prepared for that? Whether I am committed to my cause? Whether I am disciplined?

I am still a confused soul and would like to start my journey inside!